Monday, April 11, 2011

"Heaven is for Real"

We went to our missionary reunion last week. It was so wonderful to see all those people that we know and love and worked with and performed with. The Nauvoo Brass Band kids were there also. Every time I saw someone new I was so excited. We just hugged and hugged.

It all of a sudden occurred to me that this is what it will be like when we die. We will walk through the veil separating us from this life and we will see all the people that we knew and loved in our mortal life. We will spend all of our time hugging.
It will be wonderful!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Phill's Death

Well just after I posted this blog, Phill, Ralph's brother died at his home. It was a sad occasion because spiritually he was not prepared to go. However, our Father in Heaven will be merciful because Phill, Dean, and Ralph's parents did not really know the gospel and therefore did not teach it to their family. The only reason that Dean and Ralph were in the church was because of the good women that they married who encouraged them to get active and be sealed in the temple for all eternity.

Phill will have his chance to accept or reject the gospel and his brother Dean who is there now will help him do that. Now we just have to get Ruthie to realize that the gospel of Jesus Christ is here in it's fullness and that she can have all of the blessings of eternity right now. If not in this life, I feel certain she will have a chance to accept the gospel in the life to come. Their family will certainly make sure that the work is done. Hurrah for the doctrine of eternal ordinances for the dead. We do have the truth don't we.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Ralph's brother Phill has been in the hospital for 2 weeks. He is very ill and we don't know if he is going to make it or not. We hope he does. His wife Ruthie was telling us that one night he said to her "I hope I wake up in the morning." He is afraid to die.

I have thought about that and I guess we are all afraid to die, but those of us who have a testimony of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ know that death is just a door to another place where peace and love abound. There is no pain or suffering just peace and love. I hope that Phill can dig back to his understanding of the gospel and know that God loves him and will be waiting for him with open arms when it is time for him to go home. I know this is true.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Writing Again

Well, as you can see it has been awhile since I have written. I hope everyone has had a Merry Christmas. Yes, I am saying Merry Christmas!!! It is getting to the point where the minority who do not believe in God are telling the rest of us what we can believe in. In this country majority rules so if we want to have a Nativity on our town square, we will have it. It has nothing to do with Church and State. Our Founding Fathers never intended for this Nation, founded on Christian Principles, to get rid of God. The Founding Fathers did intend that the Government could not have a state church and that be the only religion. All other religions are welcome. So if you are an Atheist, fine, you have your religion. If you are an Agnostic, fine, you have your beliefs, but don't tell me that my little town cannot put up a Nativity just because you don't believe in it. The Majority of my town is Christian and if you don't like that then move someplace where you will be happy. Everyone should be happy.
Have a great day.


It is really a shame that our World has become so violent that now even our elected officials are not safe in their own towns. I was shocked and Saddened at the shooting of Congresswoman Gifford. Whether you are a Republican, Democrate, Tea Party, or Independent, all of us should be shocked at this. What does this say about our society? I can hardly wait for our Savior to come again.